Friday, December 30, 2011

December P.E. Time

My very favorite time of the week is when Joe and I get to teach P.E. together to the kindergarteners.
Our "gym' is a pathetic space for physical activity and we work with little to no actual P.E. equipment. But the kids have such a great time and I LOVE teaching with Joe.

I wanted to do something special for our December P.E. class. I had this fun ides to make some felt Christmas trees then create some kind of game for the kids to decorate them with felt ornaments. Joe helped me cut the ornaments and trees.

Working hard...

 or hardly working?

Finished product!
We put together 6 trees. I was really happy with how they turned out.

During PE we divided the kids into teams, then hid the ornaments under cones. Each team had to find 6 ornaments in their team color. Most of the kids don't have Christmas trees at home so this was their chance to decorate a tree.

Mr. Joe giving directions and showing the kids how to play the game.

Waiting patiently...

Henry, Erin-Jo and Brian

Dorothy, Daniel and Angela

Iris, Amy, Jenith and Matthew

Andy, Sean and Erin-Na

Sarah, Jun and Jamie

Sam, Eugene, Alex and Daniel
I think it is safe to say that we all had a great time.

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